China for peace. Beijing to the USA: “They should not take the wrong path”

China for peace Beijing to the USA They should not

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Relations between China and Russia are based on principles of “no alliancenon-confrontation and non-target” of other countries and point to one collaboration aimed at “multipolarity and a greater democracy in international relations”, so that “global strategic balance and stability will be better guaranteed”.

The newly elected said it Chinese Foreign Minister Qui Gangin its report to the Annual Assembly of the Chinese Parliament, stating that this report “it does not threaten any country and is not subject to any interference or discord sown by others.”

Beijing warns the United States not to continue ‘on the wrong path’, otherwise “there will certainly be conflicts and clashes.” “Containment and repression won’t make America great or stop China’s renewal,” Qin said.

The Chinese Minister then stated, in relation to the threat of sanctions to China, which Beijing “has not supplied any weapons to either side of the Ukrainian conflict” e is not “a directly interested party” in the crisis. “There China chooses peace on war, sanctions dialogue and de-escalation to escalation,” the Chinese foreign minister stressed.

Qin finally clarified that Taiwan “is the focus of China’s central interests, the political foundation in China-US relations and the former red line that must not be crossed” and reiterated that “no one should ever underestimate the firm determination, strong will and great ability of the Chinese government and people to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity.”
