China curbs cooperation with US after Pelosi visit to Taiwan

China curbs cooperation with US after Pelosi visit to Taiwan

The aftermath of Nancy Pelosi’s visit earlier this week to Taiwan, the island considered by China to be a rebel province, continues to be felt. After deciding to sanction the speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Beijing announced the suspension of all cooperation with the United States on global warming and other areas, plunging relations between the two countries to their lowest level. For years.

A new stage has been reached in the deterioration of exchanges between the two superpowers.

Beijing has decided to suspend cooperation with Washington in several areas, including that of the fight against global warming, while the two countries are the first polluters in the world.

But above all, China will cancel a meeting between military leaders and two bilateral meetings on security.

All this in a context of growing tensions after the visit of Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan, considered by Beijing as an integral part of its territory. This stay was perceived as a provocation by the communist regime, which denounces an attack on its sovereignty.

For its part, Washington does not lower its head and has summoned the Chinese ambassador Qin Gang to protest against the Chinese military maneuvers. ” We condemned China’s military operations, which are irresponsible and contrary to our long-standing goal of maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait “, said Friday a spokesman for the executive in charge of national security issues, John Kirby.

The Chinese military has launched naval and air operations off Taiwan with the aim of simulating a blockade. Chinese missiles would have, for the first time, flown over the island, according to communist propaganda which reports operations of an unprecedented scale in the region.
