China and Australia are improving their relations: trade is booming and more pandas are coming to the zoo in Australia | Foreign countries

China and Australia are improving their relations trade is booming

The prime ministers of China and Australia met for the first time in seven years in Australia.

Prime Minister of Australia Anthony Albanese and the Prime Minister of China Li Qiang met on Monday in Australia for the first time in seven years.

Chinese Premier Li offered Australia two new pandas during a visit to Adelaide Zoo.

The new pandas will replace the zoo’s current pandas.

The so-called panda diplomacy is China’s unique way to improve its image and expand its influence in the world.

Panda diplomacy has long roots – the practice dates back to the Tang Dynasty, i.e. 618–907. At first, the pandas were given as gifts, but nowadays China just borrows them.

The gaps were years

The relations between the two countries went cold during the corona pandemic. At the time, China became angry when Australia demanded an explanation of the origin of the virus.

China responded by imposing sanctions on many of Australia’s exports, which it has now begun to slowly lift.

Relations between the countries are still strained by the Aukus defense alliance agreement signed by Australia with the United States and Britain.

China is to Australia a very important trade partner: for example, in 2020, almost half of the country’s goods exports went to China. China, on the other hand, covets Australia’s natural resources, for example iron ore and liquefied natural gas.

The revival of relations is also shown by the fact that the value of total trade rose higher than ever last year, to around 135 billion euros, reports the economic newspaper Financial Times.

The lively trade between China and Australia is explained not only by the location, but also by Australia’s large population of Chinese background.

Human rights and the security of the Pacific were a concern

China handed down a suspended death sentence at the beginning of the year To Yang Hengjun, who also holds Australian citizenship. He was found guilty of espionage, although the sentence has been considered politically motivated in Australia.

– Australia opposes the death penalty, and I reiterated our position, Albanese said after meeting with Li, according to the AFP news agency.

Australia has also said that it considers China’s growing influence in the Pacific a threat.

Sources: AFP, Reuters, STT
