Chilean women demonstrate in Santiago to demand the full legalization of abortion

Chilean women demonstrate in Santiago to demand the full legalization

In Chile, since 2017, abortion has only been possible in three cases: when the life of the pregnant person is in danger, if there has been rape, or if the fetus is malformed. In 2023, just over 800 abortions will have been performed under this law. A figure that is actually derisory, because several tens of thousands of abortions take place clandestinely each year. On the occasion of World Abortion Rights Day, hundreds of Chilean women demonstrated on Friday September 27 to demand total legalization of voluntary termination of pregnancy (abortion).

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With our correspondent in Santiago, Naila Derroisné

Avanzar, avanzar al aborto sin causa ! » « Unconditional abortion “, this is what feminists are asking for Chile.

A woman who does not fall within the framework of the law, but who is determined to abort, will have to do so clandestinely.says Andrea, who is part of the feminist coordination of March 8. Women who can afford it go to other countries where abortion is legal. But if they don’t have enough money, they have to hide, putting their lives in danger, taking the risk of being arrested, also with consequences on their physical and mental health. »

According to a survey, 38% of Chileans would be in favor of the right to full abortion

And even when a woman comes within the framework of the law, nothing is a foregone conclusion. “ There is a high percentage of conscientious objector doctors and this is an additional obstacle », specifies Aldo.

Last June, the president Gabriel Boric then announced a bill to completely legalize abortion. Amanda, like other women at the protest in Santiago, is not convinced. “ Congress remains a big obstacle, because there are many right-wing parliamentarians who oppose this right for women “, she laments.

According to a recent survey, Chileans are increasingly in favor of abortion, with 38% supporting the idea of ​​unconditional abortion.

According to the NGO Center for Reproductive Rights, only 34% of women of childbearing age live in countries (77 in total) where abortion is authorized on simple request. According to the same source, clandestine abortions cause 39,000 deaths per year.

Also readMadagascar: the ban on abortion destroys the lives of pregnant girls following rape
