Children who go to school are at risk: Don’t be fooled by the fact that they don’t have a fever!

Transmitted by breathing, coughing and sneezing; Emphasizing that in these diseases, which can manifest itself with many complaints, especially high fever, runny nose, cough and abdominal pain, it is necessary to consult a doctor without wasting time and start appropriate treatment according to the test result. Demet Matben says that sometimes high fever may not be seen, so it is very important not to be mistaken as ‘there is no fever’ in the child. Child Health and Diseases Specialist Dr. Demet Matben talked about the diseases that have affected children recently, and listed 5 measures that should not be neglected for a healthy winter.


When the cold, which manifests itself with symptoms such as runny nose and sneezing, is neglected, it can lead to otitis media, acute bacterial sinusitis, and even lower respiratory tract infections. In the treatment; It is sufficient to wash the nose with physiological saline and to clean the accumulated mucus by drinking plenty of water. However, it is very important to make a strict observation in the first place against the possibility of Covid-19, and to rest at home instead of sending the child to school.


Dr. Demet Matben stated that swine flu, which has been very common in recent days and has become widespread, can manifest itself with high fever, headache, chills, cough, nausea, vomiting and sore throat. When one of these complaints occurs, it is important to consult a doctor without wasting time and start treatment according to the test result.


Bronchiolitis, which causes inflammation of the small air channels in the lungs, manifests itself with symptoms similar to the common cold, but cough, wheezing and rapid breathing and difficulty in breathing can also be seen. It is necessary to consult a doctor without wasting time.


Influenza, one of the main diseases of the winter months, is spreading rapidly. There has been a significant increase in the number of children brought to the hospital with the complaint of influenza in recent years. Crowded places and not paying enough attention to hygiene rules also increase the risk of transmission. Flu, which manifests itself with complaints such as runny nose, weakness, sore throat, cough; It can also be confused with the symptoms of Covid-19.


Middle ear inflammation can be seen after upper respiratory tract infection, which has a very high risk of transmission, especially in children who spend a lot of time indoors. Middle ear infection, which manifests itself with headache, high fever, earache and decreased hearing, can lead to significant problems if left untreated. Antibiotics can be given in the treatment of otitis media.


Child Health and Diseases Specialist Dr. Demet Matben said, “Covid-19 patients apply to the polyclinic most frequently in recent days. It is very common, especially in school-age children and even infants in contact with them. Families should not make the mistake of ‘no fever’ because it does not cause high fever, but runny nose, cough, muscle, joint and especially headache can be seen. We can come across Covid-19 even in children who come with only a runny nose. For this reason, even if there is a symptom of a runny nose, these complaints should not be ignored, people should be tested and isolated quickly. Vaccination of parents and children over 12 years of age is the most important method of protection. The treatment is symptomatic and by increasing the body resistance,” he says.


Rhinovirus, which is very common especially in the winter months with the cold weather; a disease that causes fever, runny nose, cough and even lower respiratory tract infection. It is especially severe in small babies.


Child Health and Diseases Specialist Dr. Demet Matben lists the prevention measures against common diseases in children as follows;

Pay attention to the use of masks and hand washing. It is easier for viruses and bacteria to spread in closed places. For this reason, it is very important not to remove the mask, to wear it correctly and to change it when necessary.
Door handles, stair handrails, and even cell phones that children frequently come into contact with are the most suitable places for live viruses and they are abundant. For this reason, it is critical to wash hands frequently during the day and not to rub hands on face, eyes and mouth.
Get your vaccinations done on time.
Take care to eat healthy and consume seasonal vegetables and fruits containing vitamin C.
Since viruses and bacteria are easily transmitted in closed and crowded areas, open the windows regularly during the day to ventilate the environment.

