Children sick after swimming in a marina in Täfteå – the municipality should not take samples

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Between 15 and 20 children have fallen ill after swimming at the marina in Täfteå, the area known as Strana.

Even adults who have been in contact with the children have now been affected, says one of the parents whose daughter has bathed on the site.

The people have been suffering from severe diarrhea and vomiting for about twelve hours. Several children have submitted tests and are now waiting for answers.

Infection control doctor: May be a temporary contamination

– We have recommended that they submit samples, says Stephan Stenmark, infection control doctor at the Västerbotten region.

After that, the infection control must investigate which disease it is about and what the infection may be due to.

– This can happen if there is a temporary pollution in the water through, for example, a latrine, says Stenmark.

Municipality: No suitable place for swimming

Umeå Municipality’s environmental and health protection has also received information about the disease.

Since the children have bathed in a marina and not in a public bathing area, where environmental and health protection controls the water quality, the water in the harbor will not be controlled but only the local bath in Täfteå.

– The harbor is not a suitable place for swimming, writes Ylva Bergström, environmental inspector at Umeå municipality, in a written statement and continues:

– We refer instead to controlled bathing places where we take samples during the summers.
