Children have unraveled the mystery: can you guess the number hidden under this car?

Children have unraveled the mystery can you guess the number

This mathematics problem, entitled “the mystery of the parking space”, was proposed to students in Hong Kong. Can you guess what number is hidden under the orange car?

We all love finding the solution to a math problem or unraveling the mystery of a riddle. But it is not always easy to combine calculation, logic and observation. And it’s even more frustrating to stumble on the result when you know that the riddle is at a primary level… but sometimes, it’s good because children reason with a simpler and more implacable logic than us !

This is precisely the case of “mystery of the parking space” proposed by Hervé Lehning to children in Hong Kong, some of whom managed to find the answer. Because this math problem, which is more of a logical sequence of numbers (we give you clues), was then found on the internet. But this riddle really gives a hard time to Internet users who rack their brains until they find the number in question.

What number is hidden under the orange car?

The enigma offers several numbers : 6 – 68 – 88 – ? – 98. But then, which number is located between 88 and 98? In the editorial office, we tried to calculate, to find a logical sequence based on the shapes, but nothing worked. And when we discover the result, we realize that sometimes it is enough to go to the essentials to solve a problem which, initially, seems complicated to us. We’ll put you back on the path: you won’t need your calculator to find the solution!

To find the number hidden under the car, just pay attention to the title of this riddle: “the mystery of the parking space”. Then put yourself in the position of the driver who is coming to park. Everything is a matter of perspective. Indeed, if you turn the image over, you will discover a series of numbers corresponding to the places that can be seen on the ground, which therefore become from left to right: 86 – ? – 88 – 89 – 90. The number hidden under the car is therefore the number of place 87.
