“Children drown quickly and silently”

Now the heat wave has moved in over the country and many are looking for the water to cool off.
But the emergency services have important calls for bathers, especially parents.
– Have full focus on the beach and swimming with the children. Ignore the mobile phone, says Caroline Olausson from the emergency services.

Every summer there are several drowning accidents and one group at risk is children.

– It’s a wonderful season we’re in, but also full of risk where we’re drawn to drowning alarms every year. Therefore, as a parent, you must take responsibility and have full focus on children in and around water, says Caroline Olausson, the rescue service’s communicator.

Caroline Olausson believes that many people have a dramatic picture of how a drowning happens, but in reality they are quick and silent.

– It goes so fast, it’s not the cinematic thing with screams and splashes. A child drowns quickly and silently, it just disappears under the surface.

And supervision is needed in more places than at the sea and the lake.

– It can also happen at home in the small paddling pool. It is important to have full supervision there as well. The child may slip or if it ends up in a way where it cannot get up, says Caroline Olausson.

Take care when parking

But it is not only parents who should think about the swimming area. Caroline Olausson also wants to send an invitation to those who take their car to the beach.

– We have a request for motorists to think about parking. We want to arrive quickly, especially in the event of drowning, where seconds matter. We don’t want to have to park further away and run.

If an accident happens

And there are other things that can be good to know, if the accident does happen. If the emergency services are called to the bathing area, Caroline Olausson has some wishes about what private individuals can do.

– That they meet us and tell us what happened and lead us to the accident. Sen gives us space to work alone on site. If we need help, we will be clear about it. We have witnessed sad incidents where people take photos and videos and do not respect and give space at all.
