Childminders can look after up to 6 children

Childminders can look after up to 6 children

The government has decided to adapt the reception capacity of childminders. According to a decree of January 1, they will be able to keep up to six children simultaneously. In homes for childminders, this number is limited to twenty.

As of this Monday January 3, 2022, childminders will be able to look after six children simultaneously, according to a decree published on January 1 in the Official Journal, which specifies “the general measures necessary for the management of the exit from the health crisis”. In order to compensate for the absences of these early childhood professionals due to the increase in cases of Covid-19, the government has in fact decided to adapt their reception capacity. Usually, a childminder can accommodate up to 4 children simultaneously, and up to 6 children including the children of her family. To cope with sick leave and allow parents to find a care solution for their child, the number of children that can be looked after is increased:

  • “Subject to compliance with sufficient security conditions, a childminder working at his home or in a home of childminders is authorized to take in up to six children simultaneously “ specifies the decree.
  • Also, “when the childminder works at his home, the number of minors of all ages placed under the exclusive responsibility of the childminder present simultaneously at his home may not exceed eight, including a maximum of four children under the age of three “.
  • For those who exercise in a home for childminders, the number of children is then limited to 20.

In the event that the maternal assistant takes in more children than the number authorized by his approval, he must first inform the parents as well as the president of the departmental council.

The decree also specifies that in collective crèches, as well as day nurseries or even kindergartens, “a professional can accommodate up to three children alone “.
