Childhood leukemia: Valérie Bonneton recounts her son’s illness

Childhood leukemia Valerie Bonneton recounts her sons illness

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    While she was the guest of the show En aparté, Friday February 10, actress Valérie Bonneton returned to the leukemia suffered by her son when he was only 4 years old. A test fortunately behind them to this day.

    Leading several lives on screen does not exempt actors and actresses from also experiencing drama in their personal lives. This is how Valérie Bonneton, guest of the show As an aside, Friday February 10, evoked part of his life counting among the most difficult for a parent: the leukemia which struck Joseph, his son, at the age of 4 years. A test which she had already spoken about in another program last September, on the occasion of the publication of her autobiography.

    “It’s the worst thing, actually”

    Without knowing all the details of the situation, the actress spoke of her life which changed radically after the diagnosis of her son.

    I didn’t work all those years because I was with Joseph day and night all the time. I kept busy with it, but it was never a sacrifice: it was my life, it was like that” she explains years later.

    A test that she wishes to share publicly today: “It’s the worst thing, actually“, she confessed, “And what immense strength comes from there, afterwards: for Joseph, and for me, and for my daughter, and for the father“, she continued.

    Childhood leukemia: a cancer with a generally favorable course

    The message will not fail to touch the families affected by the disease. Joseph Cluzet is now 21 years old, and is doing like a charm, “What is sublime is that today is magnificent: my boy is healthy. He has no bad memories when I talk to him about his illness. He said to me: ‘No, I don’t remember that it was serious.’ I believe that I have never given so much to transform everything, so that he has no bad memories, so that everything is joy. He loved the doctors, he loved the nurses in the hospital“.

    In France, 29% of the 1,780 new cases of cancer diagnosed in children under 15 are leukaemias according to the ARC foundation. Treatment is mainly by chemotherapy, with good results. The cure rate is almost 90% for children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (85% of pediatric leukemias) and around 60% for acute myeloblastic leukemias (15% of leukemias in children.)
