Childhood cancer day: donations, which cancers?

Childhood Cancer Day date 2023 donation which cancers

International Pediatric Cancer Day (childhood, adolescent and young adult cancer) takes place on February 15 every year. How to support the cause? How to make a donation ?

Each year, February 15 is dedicated to the International Childhood, Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Day. Internationally, it is called International Childhood Cancer Day. Every year in France, 2,500 new cases of cancer are diagnosed in people under 25, reports the Institut Curie in a press release dated February 9, 2022. And despite a survival rate of almost 90% at 5 years, 500 children die of cancer every year in France, which is the leading cause of death by disease in children over the age of one. “With more than 100 different types of cancer in children and adolescents, pediatric cancers are considered rare diseases“, specifies the Imagine For Margo Association in a press release. An Association which has been mobilizing since 2011 against this scourge. These cancers – ultimately not so rare – require very specific supporthence the importance of supporting research in terms of diagnosis and treatment.

When is International Childhood Cancer Day 2024?

Every year the International Childhood, Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Day takes place on February 15. In 2024, it falls on Thursday, February 15.

Origin: since when does the International Childhood Cancer Day exist?

International Childhood Cancer Day has been launched in 2001 through the network of associations Childhood Cancer International. This is an annual day of mobilization and awareness around tumors in children, adolescents and young adults.

What color is the ribbon symbolic of childhood cancer?

Like the Pink Ribbon, the symbol of the mobilization against childhood cancer is the golden ribbon.

Golden ribbon, symbol of the fight against childhood cancer © Anastasy Yarmolovich – 123RF

What are the actions in 2024?

In France, solidarity marches are organized in several cities as a mobilization against childhood cancer. Moreover, like every year, the Imagine for Margo Association, which has been fighting childhood cancer since 2011, is organizing its annual symposium called FAST.

What are the figures for childhood cancers?

  • 2,200 children from 0 to 17 years old are newly cancer each year of which 450 new cases in adolescents of 15 to 17 years old (source : National Cancer Institute)
  • These cancers remain the leading cause of death by disease in children over 1 year old.
  • The 5-year survival for all types of cancer combined is 88%with nevertheless disparities according to age and type of tumour.
  • 2/3 children survived, have or will have sequelae

What are the most common childhood cancers?

In children under 15the main cancer sites are:

  • Leukemias (29% of cases, including 80% of acute lymphoblastic leukemia),
  • Central nervous system tumors (25%) and lymphomas (10%).

In adolescents and young adultsthe main cancers are:

  • Lymphomas (3⁄4 of which are Hodgkin’s lymphomas)
  • Gonadal germ cell tumors (testis, ovary)
  • sarcomas
  • Leukemias
  • Thyroid cancers
  • melanomas
  • Tumors of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord)

unit SIREDO (For Sanoint, Iinnovation, Rresearch, in oncology of theEchild, of the aDOdescent and young adults) is an integrated care and research center created by the Curie Institute, for the young people aged 15 to 24, to optimize the management of children, adolescents and young adults, in all stages, from diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Within the same place are gathered: researchers, patients and healthcare team composed of a child psychiatrist, a psychologist, a psychomotrician, a nurse-coordinator, a facilitator, two pediatric and adult oncologists, caregivers and a dietician. The center counts 8 hospital beds and a room designed especially for teenagers. Institut Curie also has the necessary premises and infrastructure to allow its young patients to continue their education, up to the baccalaureate and beyond. She offers to pass the BAC and faculty examinations within his inpatient unit. For this, the Institute relies on National Education but also on partnerships with associations.

It is possible to make a donation on the site of the Curie Institute to help researchers beat cancer. The site offers rules on a fully secure platform. The Institut Curie is a Foundation recognized as being of public utility, as such: 66% of the amount of your donation is deductible from your income tax. Thus, a donation of 75 euros, for example, actually costs you 25 euros. Donations are donated to all cancer research and care programs in order to:

  • TO UNDERSTAND the functioning of cancer cells to refine the diagnosis.
  • DISCOVER new therapeutic approaches for even more suitable and better tolerated treatments.
  • TREAT, and CURE more and more patients with all types of cancer.

It is also possible to make donations on the sites of associations that fight against childhood cancers such as Imagine For Margo, Smile to lifeor Gustave Roussy.

Sources: Institut Curie website, Imagine for Margo association website, League Against Cancer website
