Child who has a wet or dry cough: what to do?

Child who has a wet or dry cough what to

Cough is a reflex phenomenon caused by irritation of the respiratory tract. Oily or dry, it is a common symptom in children or babies. What are the causes ? When to worry? What to do ?

A child who coughs can be worrying, especially if he is under 1 year old. Determine if the cough is wet or dry will identify the cause. Consulting a doctor is necessary if cough persists. What to do in case of wet or dry cough in children? Advice.

What are the causes of wet cough in children?

A wet cough (also called productive cough) manifested by the presence of secretions in the respiratory tract. “When coughing, the child expels secretions from the tracheobronchial tree and throat“, describes Dr. Fabienne Kochert, pediatrician in Orléans and president of the French Association of Ambulatory Pediatrics.

What are the causes of dry cough in children?

The dry coughnon-productive, is related to bronchial irritation. It can manifest itself in fits and can be painful for the child. “A dry cough may be prolonged, it can persist for up to 4 weeks after an episode of bronchitis. A dry cough that persists for more than a month should prompt a search for asthma“, summarizes Dr. Fabienne Kochert.

What are the symptoms associated with a cough in a child?

The cough may be accompanied by a runny nose, fever, sore throat. Breathing can sometimes be wheezy, in this case a medical consultation is recommended.

Syrups are totally useless and even dangerous

What to do in case of wet or dry cough in children?

Whether the cough is oily or dry, unfortunately there is no effective treatment to remove it. You have to arm yourself with patience and accept a few restless nights“, emphasizes Dr. Kochert. To calm the cough of children it is important to wash the nose frequently with saline solution and possibly a baby nasal aspirator. Wash your hands before and after treatment. Never smoke in the presence of your child. In the event of feeding difficulties in young infants, it may be advisable to split meals. “Watch out for syrups! Whether they are expectorants or antitussives, syrups are totally useless or even dangerous, alert the doctor. Taking honey can relieve a dry cough, but honey is contraindicated before 1 year because of a risk of botulism (a disease caused by a bacterium whose spores can develop in honey)”.

When to consult in case of cough in children?

It is advisable to consult if the cough is poorly tolerated, if your child is less than 3 months old, if the fever lasts more than three days, if the breathing becomes wheezy, and in any case if your child’s general condition worsens. Medical advice is desirable if the cough is prolonged.

Cough tips for children

► It is advisable to drink often small infants.

► Be sure to let him sleep in a room not overheated (19°C)

► One consultation is necessary if the cough persists, if he has a fever, if he has trouble eating or if he has lost his appetite.

Thanks to Dr. Fabienne Kochert, pediatrician in Orléans and president of the French Association of Ambulatory Pediatrics.
