Child and mother have ended up in the water from the ferry from Poland

Two people on a ferry between Karlskrona and Poland ended up in the water on Thursday.
A child must have fallen into the water and the child’s mother jumped in, says Anders Lännholm, rescue leader of the maritime and air rescue centre, for TV4 Nyheterna.
At 5:30 p.m., the Norwegian Maritime Administration announced that the persons had been found in the water.


Child overboard from ferry – mother jumped behind

Two people on the ferry Stena Spirit ended up in the water in the Baltic Sea on Thursday. According to the alarm, a seven-year-old child and the child’s mother ended up in the water, says Anders Lännholm, rescue leader at the sea and air rescue center for TV4 Nyheterna.

The accident happened at a quarter past four on Thursday afternoon.

– The mother jumped behind, he says.

– We have alerted all the resources we can think of.

The maritime and air traffic control center sent a large number of resources to the scene out on the Baltic Sea.

After a major rescue effort with the help of ships and helicopters from NATO and the US, the mother and child were found at 5:30 p.m., according to the Norwegian Maritime Administration.

– One person has been winched in a helicopter and is on his way to hospital. A helicopter is on its way to winch up the other person, says Stefan Lang, press spokesperson.

The extent of the damage is unclear.
