Members of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation are mourning the loss of 10-year-old child who died in an overnight fire in a camping trailer.
Haldimand OPP say six people, including two adults and four children, were able to escape the trailer with minor injuries but another child was found inside and pronounced dead at the scene.
“The Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation are deeply saddened to learn of the tragic passing of a young community member this morning,” said Chief Stacey Laforme in a statement. “We are still learning more information as the OPP continues to investigate. Our focus is on working with Victim Services of Haldimand Norfolk and Mississaugas of the Credit to support the family at this difficult time.
“Please join us in expressing our sincere condolences and prayers to the family and everyone affected by this tragedy.”
A news release from Six Nations of the Grand River said Six Nations Fire and Emergency Services were called to a structure fire on 1st Line at about 2 am Firefighters found a fully involved fire affecting multiple trailers on the property. During a search of the trailer, said the news release, firefighters found the young victim.
Due to the fire’s proximity to Mississaugas of the Credit, Six Nations Police, Six Nations EMS and Haldimand Fire were all called to the scene.
“We are immensely grateful for the way all surrounding communities came together to attack the fire,” said Ashley Taylor, chief of Six Nations Fire and Emergency Services. “SNFES continues to protect our community and support our local and surrounding communities whenever necessary.
“Due to jurisdictional boundaries, the scene and incident control was handed over to Haldimand Fire and OPP once safely secured. The Ontario Fire Marshal has been requested to provide investigative services.”
Six Nations council also offered words of condolence.
“Six Nations of the Grand River is devastated to hear the tragic news and would like to extend our deepest condolences to the Mississaugas of the Credit, the minor’s family and friends,” said Six Nations elected Chief Mark Hill. “Our community grieved with you through this sad and difficult time. Six Nations of the Grand River is here to support the Mississaugas of the Credit anyway that we can.”
Hill also thanked all the emergency responders “for their timely response to the scene.”
Those in need of support are encouraged to contact Six Nations 24/7 Mobile Crisis Line at 519-445-2204 or 1-866-445-2204; or 24/7 Hope for Wellness Helpline at 1-855-242-3310 or online at hopeforwellness.ca. Victim Services of Haldimand-Norfolk New Credit also are helping family members and victims of the incident.
The Haldimand County OPP crime unit, the Office of the Fire Marshal, along with the Office of the Chief Coroner and Ontario Forensic Pathology Service continue to investigate the fire.
Anyone with information that could help with the investigation is asked to contact the OPP at 1-888-310-1122. Information can be provided anonymously by calling Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or online at helpsolvecrime.com.
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