Chicha, a popular phenomenon in Gabon, but not without danger

Chicha a popular phenomenon in Gabon but not without danger

Direction Gabon to discover this fashionable phenomenon among young people. The number of shisha smokers is increasing drastically whereas this phenomenon did not exist less than a decade ago.

With our correspondent in Libreville, Yves-Laurent Goma

Wild atmosphere in this trendy nightclub in Libreville. The dance floor is packed. Deborah and her friends, installed in a hushed living room, pull on their shisha. ” The shisha is too great. It’s something that really relaxes. There’s a little feeling, you want to fly away ! she laughs.

The trend in Libreville is shisha, a fashion imported from the Middle East that particularly appeals to young people. If a cigarette costs 100 F, a chicha consumption session is worth 5,000 to 6,000 FCFA. Very few young people care about the effects on their health. ” We don’t know where it’s going, but hey… we’re having fun. It’s not like cigarettes or drugs with that you can’t get drunk. It’s for the buzz, it’s to knock the girls off. »

Despite the ban on smoking in public places, chicha remains for certain and above all a moment of reunion. But is consuming shisha without consequences for the body? Doctor Alphonse Louma Eyouga, addictologist, gives some answers.

It is composed of several toxic substances: tar, metals. You can easily become addicted. There is nicotine, we can develop cancers

Doctor Alphonse Louma Eyouga: “shisha is not without danger to health”
