Chemsex: women are also concerned

Chemsex women are also concerned

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    A study highlights the expansion of Chemsex, especially among the female population.

    Chemsex alerts continue to mount. As a reminder, chemsex consists of taking psychoactive products in context or for sexual purposes. Until now, they mainly concerned men who have sex with other men, but the population would be increasingly widespread also among the female population. A study called Sea, Sex and Chems launched by Dorian Cessa, a psychiatric doctor in Marseille, whose figures were revealed in November 2021, underlines that chemsex affects all backgrounds and all sexes.

    27% of women answered having already practiced Chemsex

    “In almost 5 months, 2676 people were included in the Sea, Sex and Chems (SSC) study, including 723 women, 198 of whom (27.25%) described having already practiced Chemsex, i.e. 15.6% of our workforce. from “Chemsexeurs.euses”, reports the results of the survey. According to the figures, the profile of these women contains the following specificities:

    • Metropolitan (75.3%)
    • Higher education (70.7%)
    • Heterosexual (44.4%)
    • Bisexual (28.3%)
    • Pansexual (16.7%)
    • Homosexuals (10%)

    Social networks involved?

    According to Philippe Lak, doctor at the Croix-Rousse hospital in Lyon, supervisor of the study, Dorian Cessa having been his intern, if Chemsex now affects more varied populations it is in particular because of social networks. “It is not a marginal phenomenon. It is exploding”, Jean-Luc Roméro Michel told us,deputy mayor of Paris in charge of human rights, integration and the fight against discrimination whose husband died because of Chemsex and who is now fighting against this practice.

    In order to find out more, the authors of the study also looked at the most commonly used drugs in the context of a sexual relationship. It would be THC (33.33%), cocaine (18.18%), stimulants 15.15).

    Serious health risks

    Chemsex is obviously not without health consequences. Cardiac, neurological or psychiatric disorders, each product has its share of long-term and high-dose complications, not to mention the risk of addiction.

    “Chem sex also exposes you to infectious risks. Under drugs and losing control, the user is no longer able to protect himself and forgets to put on a condom. He can then contract HIV, hepatitis, syphilis or others sexually transmitted infections”, had alerted us the Pr Hervé Martini (addictologist doctor).
