Chékéba Hachémi, the insolent girl from Kabul: an ode to the resistance of Afghan women

Chekeba Hachemi the insolent girl from Kabul an ode to

In 1986, Chékéba, eleven years old, crossed alone with a smuggler the mountains that separate Afghanistan from Pakistan. The Soviet occupation and the Islamist guerrillas are destabilizing the country. Exiled in France, she drew a story from it “The insolent of Kabul“, which has become an audio book with two voices, his own and that of his daughter Mariam. An ode to the resistance of Afghan women.

The Hashemi family must go into exile and find themselves in France. Ten years later, with his meager means, his iron will and his sense of humor, Chékéba founded “Afghanistan Libre”, an association aiming at the education and empowerment of women and girls, in particular through the construction of more than three hundred schools.

Guest : Chekéba Hashemi, author and founder and president of the association “Afghanistan Libre”. His book “The insolent of Kabul”, published in 2011, has just been published as a book-CD, by Éditions Women–Antoinette Fouque

And the Elsewhere chronicle takes us to Kinshasa with Étienne Russias, poet and member of the Collectif Semer en territoire, an organization based in Auvergne which organizes writing workshops and events around the arts of the spoken word everywhere. The founder of the Semer en Territoire collective will lead a writing workshop and give a unique concert with Celine Banza (former winner of the RFI discovery prize) and Amoureux Kimpioka (jazzman from Kinshasa)
