Check whether or not your child’s school contains asbestos

Check whether or not your childs school contains asbestos

According to a survey by the program “Vert de rage” on France 5, asbestos is present in 28.4% of French primary schools. A figure largely “underestimated” according to journalists who reveal that 31,605 establishments did not wish to answer their questions. A search engine lets you know if your child’s school is concerned.

It has been 20 years since theasbestos is prohibited in France. And for good reason: this insulation, widely used for construction is dangerous for the body and has also claimed many victims in recent decades. Nevertheless, thousands of schools today still contain asbestos. To know more precisely the schools concerned, the journalists of the program “Green with Rage” broadcast on France 5 conducted the survey among 50,000 schools and 35,000 town halls.

A search engine to find out if your child’s school contains asbestos

In total, more than a third of the schools that answered the questions have them. An underestimated figure since most establishments have not completed all the information. Of the 15,804 schools for which the Vert de Rage teams obtained information, we learn that 5,505, or more than a third, show traces of asbestos. Conversely, we know that 4,771 schools do not contain any. For the others, we have information concerning the diagnoses made, but not their conclusions.“, precise FranceInfowhich publishes search engine to obtain the list of schools containing or not asbestos.

What are the risks of asbestos for schoolchildren?

Asbestos does not pose an immediate risk to students. But in the long term, this material can degrade, especially when carrying out work in the school establishment. This is when fibers can be released, risking being inhaled. Moreover, asbestos is responsible for many cancers, especially of the larynx and ovary.

It should be recalled that in 2016, a census by the National Observatory for the Safety and Accessibility of Educational Establishments (ONS) revealed the presence of asbestos in schools. According this report, 38% of public establishments were concerned. A public health case which continues to be controversial in France, and is the subject of numerous trials.
