check out the latest results

check out the latest results

RATTRAPAGE DU BAC 2022. The last day of the baccalaureate catch-up took place on Friday. All candidates for the 2022 baccalaureate are therefore fixed now. Discover all the resit results in our results of the baccalaureate…

[Mis à jour le 9 juillet 2022 à 10h02] The result of the 2022 baccalaureate is now complete, the very last candidates having passed their remedial orals yesterday Friday and are now fixed on their fate. To discover the results of the baccalaureate resit, use the search engine above. The catch-up results have been added over time to the baccalaureate results published since Tuesday.

Between July 6 and 8, more than 53,000 high school students took the remedial oral exam session. For candidates who obtained an average of between 8 and 10 at the end of the first series of exams, these repechage orals were the last opportunity to prove themselves. With a success rate of 86% before the catch-ups, a drop of 4.7 points compared to the previous year, this 2022 baccalaureate will have given more trouble to the Terminales.

Where can I find the resit oral result?

The resit oral results are provided to candidates immediately after the test, which allows everyone to know if they have collected enough points to obtain a baccalaureate. They are then communicated to the rectorate during the day or at the latest the following day. The results are then reintegrated into the initial results of the baccalaureate and can be consulted free of charge on To do this, go to our baccalaureate results page.

For this phase of the last chance, only two tests were passed by the candidates in repechage whose objective was to reach the score of 10/20. The remedial tests relate each year to the subjects chosen by the candidates: thus, to recover the maximum number of points, the key is to take into account one’s facilities in the different fields of study, but also the coefficient of each of the tests.
