Some players are currently complaining about losing their progress in V Rising. Blame it on servers that are disappearing or being reset – even though they appear to be “official”. A helpful vampire explains how this can be prevented.
What is the problem? Many players set up their own servers in V Rising, for example to avoid problems with the castle decay. The servers can be freely named and some operators take advantage of this.
They describe their server as “official” so it looks like the game world was provided directly by the developers. However, it is not, it is in private hands.
That means: On the private server, an admin has the power to do more or less what he wants. He can reset the server, take it offline or change the rules. All players who play on it are then affected.
How can I protect myself? Reddit user ImSavageAF explains that a small icon indicates whether a server is actually official, or just calls itself that. If you see a small, angular spiral in front of the name (the Stunlock Studios symbol), then the server is directly from the developers.
In all other cases, it is a fan server that only describes itself as official. Here you run the risk of losing your progress if the admin decides to do so.
There is a larger discussion in the thread. Many thank you for the tip and some report that they have actually lost many hours of work because of this. Others say private servers are actually even better.
Unofficial servers also bring benefits
What are the differences? Basically, the game runs the same on private and official servers. There may just be some differences in speed and rules.
Private servers can use their own settings such as increased resources, more or less damage, different times of day and night, and PvP rules. You never know how the admin will decide the next day.
Official servers are always the same. They run on the default settings of the respective modes and each has the same requirements. Here you don’t normally lose your progress on the server side, but players sometimes report connection problems. In addition, official servers are often very crowded, which is why there is not always room to log in or build in the world.
And what’s better now? Private servers can be a gamble. As reddit user dd179 writes, “Unofficial servers with a good community are significantly better than official ones. Officials have no moderation and no punishment for people who grief you.”
Excite_Throwaway’s experience speaks against this: “I was kind of playing 2 hours with a friend when we were just teleported into someone’s castle for a bloodbath. Everyone was stunned.” Another time, the admin helped a boss without being asked. “I just want to exist normally, man.”
So you have to decide for yourself what you prefer. If you just want to explore the game anyway and don’t want to play with other vampires, you can simply start a private game. You can go there alone or with friends.
Everything else you need to know about V Rising can be found in the handy 2-minute video here:
All information about the new vampire survival MMO “V Rising” on Steam – in 2 minutes
By the way, you can now even just play offline or create LAN servers. That means you don’t even need an internet connection. If you want to be absolutely sure that you don’t lose any progress, you can use this option.
By the way, if you’re interested in V Rising, don’t be put off by such stories. If you’re careful where you play, you shouldn’t have any problems either – especially if you start out with friends. And getting started later isn’t too much of a hurdle either:
Can I still start with the new Steam hit V Rising or will everyone knock me out?