In the absence of anti-cheat you can use modifications to adapt your gaming experience in Monster Hunter Wilds. This is uncool if you torpedo the fun of your colleague.
How does it work in Monster Hunter Wilds? Anyone who is assigned to a regular lobby at the start of the game ends up with up to 99 other players in one … well … lobby and can go on the monster hunt together with up to three other hunters.
If you are drawn alone, you can also call via SOS flare reinforcement for your already started quest, whereby the teammates can also come from outside of your lobby. Those who play in this way should meet “randoms” quite often, that is, randomly assigned, unknown teammates. You can find out more details here: Cross play, multiplayer and Koop – this is how you can play with your friends in Monster Hunter Wilds.
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Cheating is allowed, but …
What is the problem? According to World, Capcom has again decided to do without an anti-cheat at Monster Hunter Wilds. So you can adapt the game modden and according to your needs – at least on the PC.
With such mods you can not only adapt the interface, for example to have the life bars of monsters displayed, you can also influence the strength of your hunter. That may be okay if you play privately and solo to live out your power fantasy. On a cooperative hunting with other players, however, this can cause frustration and bad mood.
The community complains about cheaters: In discussions on various community platforms, players already report negative experiences with cheather.
How do your experiences with the multiplayer of Monster Hunter Wilds have so far look like? Do you already have the pleasure with cheather? Treat it in the comments! By the way, Guides are much better than cheats, through which you become better players. The full all-round carefree package can be found here: all guides, entry-level tips and information about Monster Hunter Wilds in the overview