Cheat Sheet shows how to easily get the 6 rarest items in the game

There are 6 items in Diablo 4, which are among the rarest items in the entire game. We’ll show you what they are and how you can get them easily.

What are the rarest items? The rarest items in Diablo 4 are special uniques that players can only acquire at a certain point in their journey up to the maximum level. The following items are included:

So that you know how and, above all, when you can get these rarities, we will show you a cheat sheet that should help you.

Matching items, we have a video on how you can best manage your inventory, it’s worth it:

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This is how you get the rarest items easily

You have to do this to get the items: These listed uniques don’t just drop. You have to consider a few things for this. As reported by Twitter user AZJackson85:

  • The items can be dropped when killing level 85+ enemies
  • The items can be scavenged anywhere Uniques can be scavenged and always drop from Power 820
  • There are only 6 pieces so far
  • They are very rare
  • In line with this, Reddit user c0z3nPapi created a cheat sheet by listing exactly where each individual item can be dropped.

    The cheat shows that two items will drop from all nightmare dungeons, while four items can only appear in selected ones.

    Are these items important? Not really. Some items like the Harlequin Crown or Grandfather can be beneficial for many builds, but the rest isn’t necessarily a must-have. If you are looking for the best builds for all classes, we have put together a tier list for you and listed all the important things: Diablo 4 Tier List: Best classes in the endgame with builds for solo & groups
