Released on April 5, LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is a game rich in content that you will have to discover and unlock over the course of the adventure. The game requires time from the player, especially if he wants to finish the game 100%, by unlocking the 380 characters, all the vehicles and other hidden bonuses. If you’re a diehard, you won’t need the following. On the other hand, if you don’t have time to fool around, no doubt the cheat-codes that follow will be of great help to you. To be able to enter these cheat codes, just run the holographic projector which is located in the Extras tab (or through the Pause menu too). If the code typed is correct, then you will see a validation message.
Cheat-codes to unlock characters
- D-0 (Christmas special): TIPYIPS
Aayla Secura: KH7P320
Admiral Holdo: XV4WND9
- Dengar: OKV7TLR
- Gonk droid (snow): LIFEDAY
- Poe Dameron (Christmas special): KORDOKU
- Chewbacca (Christmas special): WOOKIEE
- Darth Vader (Christmas special): WROSHYR
- C-3PO (Christmas special): C3PHOHO
- Grand Moff Tarkin: 3FCPPVX
- Nute Gunray: WBFE4GO
- Ratts Tyerell: GR2VBXF
- Palpatine: SIDIOUS
- Poggle the Brief: Z55T8CQ
- Temmin Wexley (gift when filling out the legosurvey): SKYSAGA
- Shmi (Anakin’s mother): T9LM1QF
- Shaak Ti: VT1LFNH
- Mr Bone: BAC1CKP
- Gonk Droid (Holiday Special): LIFEDAY (exclusive character)
- Nute Gunray: WBFE4GO
- Poe Dameron (Holiday Special): KORDOKU (exclusive character)
- Poggle the Lesser: Z55T8CQ
- Ratts Tyerell: GR2VBXF
- Tarkin: 3FCPPVX
- Temmin Wexley: SKYSAGA (exclusive character)
- The Emperor: SIDIOUS
Cheat-codes to unlock vehicles
- Galaxy Edge Shuttle: SHUTTLE
- Razor Crest: ARVALA7