Chatham politico re-elected to municipal federation board

A Chatham councillor will serve a second term on the board of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities.

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Coun. Alysson Storey was re-elected during the federation’s recent annual general meeting and conference in Calgary.

FCM, which advocates for communities across the country, lobbies the federal government on infrastructure needs and other key municipal issues.

“I really enjoyed my first term on the FCM board representing Chatham-Kent on the national stage,” Storey said in a release.

“I learned a great deal about the relationship between federal-municipal governments and made meaningful connections with municipal officials across Canada,” she said. “To be re-elected to a second term is a real honour as there was a strong slate of candidates running.

“I will continue to do my best to ensure that Chatham-Kent’s priorities are heard and addressed at the federal table,” she added.

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The federation continues to urge Ottawa to convene all levels of government to discuss the need for a new municipal growth framework, ensuring municipalities have the funding and revenue tools to meet the needs of growing communities, the release added.

Mayor Darrin Canniff said having a Chatham-Kent councillor on the board is good news for the municipality.

“I congratulate Coun. Storey . . . and look forward to having her bring the voice of our community to the FCM table,” he said.

“I would also like to thank Coun. Jamie McGrail, who sits on the Rural Ontario Municipal Association board of directors and the Southwestern Integrated Fibre Technology board, and Coun. Lauren Anderson, who sits on my behalf as a director for the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative.”

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