Chatham-Kent police, OPP make separate arrests responding to same incident

Mother severely injured threatened in argument with son

Chatham-Kent police and Ontario Provincial Police made separate arrests while responding to the same incident Monday morning.

Chatham-Kent police and Ontario Provincial Police made separate arrests while responding to the same incident Monday morning.

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Chatham-Kent police said a citizen reported seeing a man grab a woman by her neck in the area of ​​Old Glass Road near Wallaceburg just before 10:30 am

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The man and woman moved to another location, police said, and while attempting to conduct an investigation, the woman allegedly interfered with officers.

A 36-year-old Wallaceburg man was arrested by the OPP and charged with assault.

A 37-year-old Wallaceburg woman was arrested by Chatham-Kent police and charged with obstructing police.

Woman breaks window in argument

A 24-year-old Chatham woman was arrested and charged with mischief under $5,000 Monday evening.

Officers were called to the area of ​​Wellington Street West in Chatham around 6:40 pm after a citizen reported yelling and a window smashing, police said.

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An argument between a man and a woman escalated and the woman allegedly punched a window breaking the glass.

She was released with an Oct. 30 short date.

Man arrested in ongoing clash with woman: police

A 30-year-old Chatham man was arrested for breach of peace after a clash with a woman that began Monday evening and continued into Tuesday morning.

Chatham-Kent police responded just before 10 pm to a disturbance on Victoria Avenue in Chatham.

A man and woman were arguing when the woman became fearful. The man left before officers arrived, but police were called back when he returned.

The man agreed to leave for the night, but at about 2 am, officers were called again due to another disturbance, police said.

He was transported to police headquarters and later released.

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