With an earlier start than in previous years, Chatham-Kent’s multi-year budget process is ready to begin this month.
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The 2024-2027 budget process will begin Nov. 15 when the draft budget is presented to council, instead of in January. That will be followed by community consultations, then budget committee deliberations.
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Chatham Coun. Brock McGregor, budget chair, said the four-year budget process will allow for better long-term planning.
“The process starting in November will allow for needed public engagement as well as time for budget committee members to fully review the draft budget,” he said.
“With the current budget pressures facing our community, it is important we approach this four-year process thoughtfully and responsibly. We need to prioritize the needs of our community, and address current challenges.”
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All meetings will be held in person in council chambers and be livestreamed on YourTV CK’s YouTube channel.
Similar to recent years, the two community consultation events will be held virtually.
Groups and organizations wishing to request funding must do so at the opening night meeting. Written submissions must be sent by email to [email protected] before noon on Nov. 13.
Anyone wishing to make a deputation can do so either on Nov. 15, or at the first night of deliberations on Nov. 28. Requests and submissions must be sent by email to the above address before noon on these dates, respectively.
Comments can also be submitted by mail to Budget & Performance Services, Municipality of Chatham-Kent, 315 King St. W., Chatham, Ont. N7M 5K8, or by phone to 519-360-1998.
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Opening Night
On Wednesday, Nov. 15 at 6 pm, the draft budget will be presented. At that time, the draft budget will be available for viewing on the municipal website at www.chatham-kent.ca/ourbudget.
Community Consultations
A brief summary of the draft budget will be presented by administration at the beginning of each community consultation event, followed by an opportunity for public input through a live question-and-answer session. These events are taking place virtually on Chatham-Kent’s Facebook Live feed (www.facebook.com/MunicCK) as follows:
– Wednesday, Nov. 22 from noon to 1 pm
– Thursday, Nov. 23 from 7-8 p.m.
Budget Deliberations
Council will meet to begin budget deliberations as follows:
– Tuesday, Nov. 28 from 6-10 p.m.
– Wednesday, Nov. 29 from 6-10 p.m.
– Thursday, Nov. 30 from 6-10 p.m.
If more time is required, Tuesday, Dec. 5 and Wednesday, Dec. 6 have also been set aside.
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