Chatham-Kent hospital group celebrates dedicated employees

Chatham Kent hospital group celebrates dedicated employees

The Chatham-Kent Health alliance has honored its own at its annual service recognition ceremony.

Chatham-Kent’s hospital group honored its own at its annual service recognition ceremony.

The event, which included an awards presentation for Chatham-Kent Health Alliance employees, was held last Thursday.

Claudette Bourgeois and Dr. Adrian Verburg were recognized for 40 years of service. The health alliance also recognized 11 employees for 35 years with the organization: Lori Brisco, Tammy Dobbelaar, Pam Hebblethwaite, Jeannine Lantin, Connie McFadden, Deb Moore, Dr. William Pavlosky, Jeannette Peltier, Elaine Pitman, Michele Vandenberg and Caroline Vandeveire.

As well, recognition was given to employees with between five and 30 years of service and to 32 retirees.

“The evening was an opportunity to recognize and celebrate our valued staff, volunteers and physicians for their commitment to local health care,” said Lori Marshall, president and CEO of the health alliance. “Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the recent challenges within the health system, our team’s dedication to safe, high-quality care has never wavered.”

Awards were given in different categories, including Alliance Awards of Excellence, Compassionate Caregiver Awards of Distinction, Resiliency Awards, the Vicente and Delia Calma Memorial Nurse Excellency Award, the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Award and the Stroke Care Award.

The Mission Award under the Alliance Awards of Excellence went to Jamie Shields, a charge respiratory therapist. The Vision Award was presented to Nadine Neil, a decision support specialist. Debbie Pepper, a clinical applications specialist in the operating room, received the Values ​​Award.

The Compassionate Caregiver Award of Distinction went to three registered practical nurses – Rachel Boucquez, Lana Timms and Tina Labute – who work in ambulatory care.

Stephanie Davidson, a clinical education leader on the medicine unit, received the Resiliency Award.

The Vicente and Delia Calma Memorial Nurse Excellency Award was presented to Kelly Barreira, a registered practical nurse in complex continuing care.

The Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Award went to Colleen Lewis, a social worker who works with discharge planning.

Physiotherapist Kyla Hayward, who works with stroke survivors, received the Stroke Care Award.

“These awards represent the caliber of our people. It’s obvious they continuously strive for excellence and compassion in the delivery of high-quality, patient and family-centered care,” health alliance board chair Alan Wildeman said in a statement.


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