Chatham-Kent council returns to in-person meetings

Chatham Kent council returns to in person meetings

For the first time in more than two-and-a-half years, Chatham-Kent council met in person in chambers at the civic center on Monday night.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, meetings took place virtually, with the public able to watch online on the municipality’s Facebook page or on the YourTV Chatham-Kent YouTube channel.

The new term of council was sworn in last week, also in person, during an inauguration ceremony at the Chatham Capitol Theatre.

While most of the councilors were in attendance Monday, Wallaceburg Coun. Carmen McGregor and East Kent Coun. John Wright participated remotely, as council previously decided to move ahead with a hybrid meeting format.

There is also flexibility with staff, as some presented in person and others virtually.

Calling it “great to be back,” Mayor Darrin Canniff said there was already much business to attend to around the horseshoe.

While the public is also welcome back in the chambers, only about a half-dozen were in attendance Monday.

Earlier this year, the municipality began looking into the feasibility of returning to in-person meetings after the easing of provincial public-health restrictions for gatherings.

However, there were a number of logistical hurdles to deal with, according to staff at the time. Consultations with counselors for their feedback also took place, as well as with human resources.

Several committees of council continue to take place virtually for the time being, including Chatham-Kent public health board and the public utilities commission, which recently held Zoom meetings.

However, others, including the police services board, have returned to an in-person format for past couple of months.

For further coverage of Monday’s council meeting, please visit
