Chatham-Kent communities celebrate Canada Day

Chatham Kent communities celebrate Canada Day

While enjoying the summer heat — and hoping the rain held off — Chatham-Kent residents marked Canada Day with various celebrations throughout the municipality.

Wallaceburg hosted its annual event at the Kinsmen Community Center on Dufferin Avenue with an opening ceremony, games, inflatables, entertainment and other free activities.

“I’m very happy we’re able to offer it,” event chair Leesa Ervin said. “I think we did super-well.

“The community support so far is looking amazing.”

Last year’s celebration drew about 500 people, with Ervin hoping to top that this time around.

She credited the efforts of her small group of four members on the organizing team for making everything happen.

“We went out and did our own fundraising everywhere,” Ervin said.

Several communities already held their Canada Day festivities last week.

Glad Tidings Church in Blenheim is hosting fireworks Saturday night, weather-permitting, as will Erieau at Lavern Kelly Park.

The Wheatley Fish Festival is also holding activities throughout the weekend.

Mayor Darrin Canniff said he was pleased to see local groups doing well, as they find their jogging again after the pandemic years.

“It feels absolutely amazing to be out,” he said. “There’s so many things going on in Chatham-Kent. Every weekend, all summer, there’s tons of great things happening.”

Canniff noted the strong sense of volunteerism throughout the municipality has helped make the events a success.

For more information, including a detailed schedule of activities, visit the social media channels for each specific event.
