ChatGPT will now be able to access up-to-date data

It has been announced that the artificial intelligence chat robot ChatGPT can now access real-time data.

ChatGPT, launched by OpenAI, could only include information up to September 2021 in its answers. In other words, the robot’s database consisted of information entered on the internet in September 2021 and before.

Starting today, the robot’s “premium” users will now be able to get real-time answers to their questions. In other words, these users will now be able to ask the chatbot about current events and follow the news here.

When we asked whether the chatbot could access up-to-date data in the free GPT-3.5 version, it still replied: “Sorry, my data cutoff date includes data until September 2021 and I do not have access to updates after that date.”

OpenAI stated that the updated data feature will be available to all users soon.

In its statement earlier this week, the company announced that the voice chat feature will be added to ChatGPT soon.

ChatGPT and similar artificial intelligence chatbots use huge amounts of data to provide “as human-like” answers to users as possible.

These robots are expected to dramatically change the way information is searched online.

Professor in business psychology at University College London. “If this feature had not been introduced, people would have to go to Google or Twitter to get the latest information. Now we can treat ChatGPT as a source of up-to-date news,” says Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic.

However, Chamorro-Premuzic points out that while using these artificial intelligence robots as news sources is good, it also has risky aspects:

“It is good to provide quick answers to the questions you need urgent answers to, but providing information without citing sources can be misleading.”


There were a few different reasons why ChatGPT wasn’t able to access real-time data.

One of these is the programming cost. Each search is known to cost OpenAI a few cents (one hundredth of a dollar).

Another reason is “security”. The limited data provided the company with a safety net. In other words, limiting its access to data until September 2021 prevented ChatGPT from using harmful or illegal data that was newly uploaded to the internet and not yet removed.

When we ask ChatGPT why it takes so long to access up-to-date data, it gives us three answers: language models take a long time to program and require a lot of resources, the possibility of using real-time data causing inaccuracies, and the use of real-time data – especially the use of copyrighted content. – Raising privacy and ethical concerns.

This new feature of ChatGPT is also a perfect example of the great dilemma facing artificial intelligence; In order for this technology to be truly useful, the barriers in front of it need to be removed or stretched, but by doing this, it also opens the way for more dangerous and malicious use of this technology.
