ChatGPT, stop Privacy Guarantor: comments

ChatGPT stop Privacy Guarantor comments

(Finance) – Stop ChatGPT until it respects the privacy regulations. The Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data has ordered, with immediate effect, the temporary limitation of the processing of Italian users’ data vis-à-vis OpenAI, the US company that developed and manages the platform. At the same time, the Authority opened an investigation.

“After the access block applied by OpenAI to ChatGPT, at the request of the Italian Guarantor, the professional market is already actively looking for solutions that make it possible to circumvent the ban imposed: use a paid VPN (Virtual Private Network) in order not to be geographically traced and therefore be able to use AI services undisturbed Andrew DeMicheli, president of Web3 Alliance, the first Italian consortium that brings together web 3.0 players, regarding the decision of the Privacy Guarantor to impose a ban on the use of ChatGPT. “By applying rules and prohibitions without an adequate contextualization – continues De Micheli – nothing is achieved to protect citizens from the fraudulent use of their data, but one’s credibility is irreparably compromised, entering the coveted club of prohibitors, which until yesterday , apparently, was inhabited by some countries known for the iron protection of the privacy of their citizens, such as Russia, China, Iran, Egypt, Cuba, Syria and North Korea. Italy certainly stands as the European leader of a request for regulation at the level of the European System of the development and use of artificial intelligence both in the professional and recreational fields”.

“The closure of ChatGPT by the Privacy Guarantor is an excessive and somewhat retrograde measure”. So in a note Mattia Fantinati, president of the Internet Governance Forum Italia, an association that deals with the global government of the network and which belongs to the UN. “Technology must be regulated, not banned. In itself it is neutral, it is neither good nor bad, it depends on how men use it – adds Fantinati – ChatGPT is an exceptional tool for those who created it and for those who use it. The artificial intelligence will increasingly enter our lives, so rejecting it would be like abolishing electricity because someone gets an electric shock”. “We therefore hope that the Guarantor will quickly prepare the most appropriate rules to limit the technology, instead of adopting draconian measures that effectively force the manager, OpenAI, to block the platform”, concludes the president of Igf Italia.
