ChatGPT showed users other people’s chat histories

ChatGPT showed users other peoples chat histories

Developed by OpenAI ChatGPTmarked the end of 2022 and still continues to make a serious impact.

OpenAIjust now ChatGPT Plugin support for announced. In this respect “Although the language models that have been developed are useful for a variety of tasks, they still have limited capabilities. Language models’ information comes from training data and this data may be out of date” who declared OpenAIannounced “addition” With its support, it basically connects ChatGPT to the internet and it looks great with this up-to-date information. The first plugins developed for artificial intelligence “Expedia, FiscalNote, Instacart, KAYAK, Klarna, Milo, OpenTable, Shopify, Slack, Speak, Wolfram, and Zapier”, it is reported that more are on the way. About the plug-in infrastructure, which is not yet available to the public, OpenAI also states: “While not a perfect analogy, plug-in options can be an “eye and an ear” for language models, giving people access to information that is too new, personal or too specific to include in training data.” Stating that this support is highly requested, OpenAI explained the process first. It’s opening up to paid ChatGPT Plus subscribers, and that seems logical.


The one who brought the advanced artificial intelligence system to the agenda recently It had been a bad situation. The system has become unusable for a while recently, users who opened the site at that time saw the chat histories of other people. Details of these chat histories could not be seen headlines are clearly displayed. This, of course, caused quite a stir because there has been a serious breach of privacy. Persons ChatGPT She is aware that her conversations with her can be seen by others. After all, there are those who work behind these systems, and they use the interviews to develop the “GPT” language model on which artificial intelligence is built. However, even a small part of It was not welcomed at all to be seen by regular users (maybe Millions) not developers.
