ChatGPT rival Google Bard now speaks Turkish

ChatGPT rival Google Bard just got even more capable

ChatGPT rival chatbot Google Bard Work on it is ongoing. The system now also has Turkish support.

Google Bard Now you can communicate in Turkish. “Do you have Turkish language support?” to the question now “Yes, I have Turkish support. You can ask me questions in Turkish and I can answer you in Turkish.” With this support, productive artificial intelligence will be used more actively in Turkey.

chat bot Google Bard is constantly updated. For example, the system has received answers from Google for a while. It can also display images. In the new era, images/photos can be requested directly from Bard, and the chatbot always shows a source for each image in the process. With the latest update The era of using precise location had begun. When you open Bard, you will see a notification asking you to allow Bard to access your sensitive location. If you allow it, the results of generative AI are tailored to your position. Google, Bard’s last month code generation, debugging And gained the ability to explain code had also announced. Bard, according to the company’s statement Can write in 20 programming languages, including C++, Java, JavaScript, and Python. With the latest update, the chatbot has become even better in this regard. is coming.


The latest update to Google Bard has made the tool much better than before at mathematical tasks, coding questions, and a range of technical backgrounds. making a statement on this Google CEO Sundar Pichai, “We’re updating Bard with a new technique called implicit code execution. The chatbot now runs code in the background when it detects calculation prompts, increasing the accuracy of word and math problems by around 30 percent.” he said. Bard has also been able to export his answers to Google Sheets for some time, alongside Gmail and Google Docs. This seems to please a lot of people. No longer dependent only on LLMs, Bard It’s getting better and better every month against ChatGPT. Directly from here Bard, which you can reach, has been providing details for the kidnappers for a while. Here we place Adobe Firefly It also has integration. In this way, people can directly command Bard via Firefly. visual production by typing he can. Shortly before Bard, who got the dark interface mode, again not PaLM for a while more capable GPT-4 like PaLM 2 language model based on.
