ChatGPT, Privacy Guarantor: “Reassurances from OpenAI”

ChatGPT Privacy Guarantor Reassurances from OpenAI

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Open AI is ready to cooperate with the Privacy Guarantor to arrive at a positive solution to the critical issues identified by the Italian Authority regarding Chat GPT. This is what emerged in the meeting that took place yesterday in serious video conference between the Privacy Guarantor and OpenAI. At the meeting, which he also took part in opening Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, were present, in addition to the College of the Guarantor (Pasquale Stanzione, Ginevra Cerrina Feroni, Agostino Ghiglia, Guido Scorza), Che Chang, deputy general counsel of the US company, Anna MakanjuHead of Public Policy e Ashley Pantuliano associate general counsel.

L’Authority he underlined that there is no intention of putting a brake on the development of AI and technological innovation and reiterated the importance of respecting the rules aimed at protecting the personal data of Italian and European citizens. Open AI has undertaken to strengthen the transparency in the use of the personal data of the interested parties, the existing mechanisms for the exercise of rights and guarantees for minors and to send to the Guarantor within today a document indicating the measures that respond to the requests of the Authority. The Guarantor reserves the right to evaluate the measures proposed by the company, also with regard to the measure adopted against OpenAI.
