ChatGPT can now retrieve and present updated information from the internet via Bing

OpenAI introduced GPTBot blocking support based on ChatGPT

OpenAI Generative artificial intelligence developed by ChatGPT Now, with Bing, it can obtain up-to-date information from the internet and present it to people.

ChatGPT Work continues for . Making an announcement this evening OpenAIChatGPT can now crawl the internet to provide you with up-to-date and reliable information by giving you direct links to resources. The system is no longer limited to data before September 2021.” said. For the new infrastructure, ““Internet access is especially useful for tasks that require up-to-date information, such as doing technical research, choosing a bike or planning a holiday.” annotator OpenAIfor the use of the process, “Internet access today It will be available to Plus and Enterprise subscribers, and will soon be expanded to include all users. To activate the infrastructure right now Under GPT-4, select Browse with Bing.” said. This was a useful step that was really well received because the system has not been able to provide information on current issues until now. Not long ago, “ChatGPT will now be able to see, hear and speak” With an announcement made under the statement, the company stated that the interaction with the chat bot has shown that he will take it to the next level very soon.


Thanks to new features that will be available in the next two weeks Plus with Enterprise users, ChatGPT mobile applications (iOS and Android versions) on can make mutual voice calls And will be able to add visuals to conversations on all platforms. Thanks to its visual system, ChatGPT can show certain things in real terms (For example, circling on a photo) it will be possible to ask for help much faster, and on the voice side, Mutual voice communication can be established very fluently with the chat bot.. About voice communication Five different sound types will be offered There is no specific statement about the supported languages ​​for now.
