ChatGPT, a new weapon of seduction on Tinder?

ChatGPT a new weapon of seduction on Tinder

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    Create an ideal profile and perfect answers to get a date with a potential partner. This is the new fad of some members of dating sites who are now turning to ChatGPT, the artificial intelligence text generator, to flirt (even) more easily behind their screen. An unexpected ally, and no doubt effective, but which relegates any meeting based on authenticity, spontaneity and honesty to second place.

    Writing a cover letter, preparing for a trip abroad, generating a publication for social networks, or even writing a dissertation without (the slightest) effort, are among the many potential functions of ChatGPT, the text generator by artificial intelligence passed in a few weeks from a simple toolbox to a real social phenomenon. If this conversational agent nevertheless has certain limits, such as having neither humor nor emotion, it could come to the aid of an unexpected category of people: single people. Some have already tested – and adopted – ChatGPT to try to get a date with a potential partner on a dating site.

    The AI ​​version of flirting

    Just scroll a few minutes on TikTok to discover the number of video testimonials – and tutorials – extolling the merits of ChatGPT for… dating. Artificial intelligence is the delight of singles who had visibly struggled so far to start a conversation with a potential match, or even to make a meeting happen. And in this little game, men seem to be doing well, and are more likely to turn to the chatbot to take advantage of their knowledge of seduction and romance. Practical guides that are unanimous, and even generate hundreds of thousands of views.

    This is the case of a video published by the user @ekoastoic, viewed no less than 740,000 times, testifying to the potential of ChatGPT in terms of flirting, with supporting evidence. Using captures of his conversation with his potential match, as well as requests made to the conversational agent, the user shows how the latter helped him to win the heart – at least virtually – of a partner. potential. Something that turned out to be child’s play.

    After asking the young woman her height, the user literally asks her – or not – if he can ‘climb it’ (‘Can I climb you?’)… To which her interlocutor, hesitant, responds with affirmative. That’s when he takes to ChatGPT, asking the AI ​​to write him a love poem “about someone climbing a tree, which is a metaphor for a four-foot-tall girl- twenty-ten” (“Write me a love poem about climbing a tree that is a metaphor for a six foot girl”). Incredible, but true… And yet, the text generator runs offering a highly romantic poem that melts the young lady.

    A profile generator

    In view of the many comments posted under the video, it seems that this guide to flirting is unanimous among… the male sex. Some even advising him to keep this technique secret to prevent it from reaching the wrong ears. And it seems that other users go even further by asking ChatGPT to generate ‘perfect profiles’ to make it easier to break through the ice with a potential partner, or even to generate catchphrases by giving them the exact profile. of the person to conquer. Something that has not gone unnoticed, and which questions the authenticity and honesty of the one – or the one – who uses such a system to seek love.
