Chat GPT CEO Sam Altman fired

“The board no longer has confidence in his ability to lead Open AI,” the board writes in a statement, referring to the fact that “he has not been consistently candid in his communications.”

It does not go into more detail about what is behind the decision.

The news of Altman’s departure hit Silicon Valley in the US like a bomb. But the company has since the announcement refused to answer questions about what his lack of candor consists of.

“I have loved my time at Open AI,” writes Altman himself on Xadding that he “will have more to say about what happens next later.”

In connection with the announcement, the company also announced that the chairman of the board and co-founder Greg Brockman would step aside, but remain within the company.

However, that was not the case. A little later, Brockman announced on X that “based on today’s news, I’m quitting”.
