Charlotte Perrelli bought a house in Skanör – that’s how expensive it is

Charlotte Perrelli bought a house in Skanor thats how

The singer Charlotte Perrelli and the husband Anders Jensen has added to the family!

But this time it’s not about child happiness, but a new summer house in southern Sweden that the couple recently bought. The holiday home will be the tenth property that Perrelli and Jensen own together, with villas in Djursholm and Marbella, among others, since before.

Now they show off their happiness on social media – and News24 have found out how much the party cost.

READ MORE: That’s how many millions Charlotte Perreli earned from the luxury villa

Charlotte Perrelli and Anders Jensen have bought a house in Skanör

The couple owns so many houses that Charlotte has a little difficulty keeping track of them all – something they talk about in an interview with The Express.

– We forget about our houses sometimes. “That’s right, we have that house too,” says Charlotte Perrelli.

When the newspaper meets the pop artist at the end of June, she reveals that there has been another house, this time in Skanör in Scania. Now she goes out with the news also on Instagram:

“We have got a summer house! We are very happy! We have been looking for a few years but the right object has not been found…. We really wanted to end up in front of the cows and with a view of the sea, the bridge, the harbor and Copenhagen. Finally we have run into the right one house”, writes Perrelli in the post.

But moving in isn’t quite yet – first awaits what Perrelli describes as a “gigantic renovation” of the house, which is expected to be completed by the summer of 2026.

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That’s how much Charlotte Perreli’s new house may have cost

How expensive is Charlotte Perrelli and Anders Jensen’s new villa then, one might wonder?

Exactly which of the houses the couple hit on is still unclear, but according to housing site Booli, the houses in the area are valued between approx. 13 and 20 million kronerreports Happened. It is therefore reasonable to assume that Perrelli and Jensen’s investment landed at a similar sum.

Nyheter24 previously reported on the artist’s purchase of Villa Oak Valley on the Spanish sunny coast, which then went for SEK 50 million.

READ MORE: See the photos of Charlotte Perrelli’s luxury house – cost 50 million

Criticism of the couple after the purchase: “Fun for your 50th home”

In the comments section of the post, several celebrity profiles take the opportunity to congratulate Perrelli and Jensen on their purchase – including Nanne Grönvall, Michael Bindefeld and Gabriel Forss.

But not everyone is as happy about the house purchase, with one user taking the opportunity to give the artist a shot:

“Fun for your 50th home….I can’t afford to buy a loaf right now. But a big congratulations to you.”

Most, however, are positive and welcome the couple to the new area:

“Welcome to Skåne and the plains.”

“Oh so much fun! Congratulations!”

“Welcome here! The best place in the world!”

We at the editorial office wish you all the best, Charlotte and Anders!


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