Charlotte Kalla’s nice gesture to all skiing Swedes – reveals the unforgettable opportunity: “A unique chance”

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Here is Charlotte Kalla’s new assignment.
The ski icon is to be featured in the upcoming edition of the musical aid – where you can compete for a very exclusive prize.
“Don’t miss this unique chance,” she writes on her social channels.

Charlotte Kalla has for some time now put the skis on the shelf after her long and very successful career. Recently, the skiing legend announced that she will host the entertainment program “Let’s Dance” on TV4, which has been received with great joy by the viewers.

Participates in the music aid

But it is not only in “Let’s Dance” that she will appear in the future. Charlotte Kalla announces via her Instagram that she will be in the next edition of the extremely popular event “Musikhjälpen” which takes place during the winter every year.

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The theme for the year is “For a safer childhood fleeing war”, and now Charlotte Kalla has started an auction where the money will go to that very purpose. Through the auction, you can win a personal ski lesson from Charlotte Kalla.

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The message is applauded

You also have the chance to spend a week in Vemdalen.
“The winner of the auction gets to bring a friend to wonderful Vemdalen, where you will get personal tips from me on how to improve your cross-country skiing. The winners will also receive accommodation, SkiPass and ski rental during the weekend from SkiStar. Don’t miss this unique chance for an unforgettable weekend in beautiful Vemdalen,” Kalla writes on her Instagram.

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The announcement of Charlotte Kalla’s participation in Musikhjälpen is received with great joy by her followers.
“Hello Charlotte,” writes one of her followers.

“Wow, what a win,” writes another.

“What a luxury win!”, says a third.
