Charlotte Kalla’s first words after Therese Johaug’s emotional revelation about the child: “Never forgive it”

For Charlotte Kalla, life’s great challenge of giving birth will soon await.
Norwegian rival Therese Johaug did it very recently.
Now Kalla responds to Johaug’s emotional outburst about the child.

She is one of Swedish skiing’s greatest heroes. The name Charlotte Kalla will live on for a long time in Swedish sports after all the successes on the tracks and unforgettable moments in the WC and Olympics.

Called career

Kalla has won everything there is to win with Olympic and World Cup gold as well as the overall victory in the Tour de Ski in 2008. She is popular like few other Swedish athletes and is greatly missed after her career ended last year.

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200921 Charlotte Kalla poses for a portrait during a press meeting with Sweden’s national ski team on September 21, 2020 in Sollefteå. Photo: Nils Jakobsson / BILDBYRÅN / code NJ / NJ0005

Since retiring to cross-country skiing, the 35-year-old has really been busy this past year. Charlotte has summer talked, released her very own clothing collection, was the leader of the junior national team in cross-country skiing, studied behavioral science, reached the final in “Let’s Dance” and wrote a book about her career.

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Johaug’s words

In the middle of all this, she has become pregnant and will soon face the biggest challenge of her life in becoming a mother. She and her boyfriend are expecting this summer Fredrik Karström a little boy to be born and now she opens up about her feelings before the great miracle.
– There was a lot of concern at the beginning. Will I get to keep it? How will it go?, she admits to SportExpress and says that she still can’t really relax.
– I don’t really dare to do that yet. But there is much more hope now.

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200215 Charlotte Kalla of Sweden and Therese Johaug of Norway after the women’s 10 km freestyle during the Ski Tour 2020 on February 14, 2020 in Östersund. Photo: Carl Sandin / BILDBYRÅN / code CS / 57999_507

The archrival has exactly the same journey Therese Johaug gone through the last one. The longtime competitor of Kalla also ended her career last year and quickly became pregnant.

A month ago, the Norwegian gave birth to a son and she also opens up about how important it was to still be able to be a mother after a long and hard elite career.
– I would never have forgiven myself if I had continued to invest and if it had come at the expense of becoming a mother, that the price had been to never experience the greatest thing in life, she said in an interview with the evening newspaper.

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Son’s name

Charlotte Kalla can really identify with those thoughts and completely agrees with rival and friend Johaug.
– Yes I do. Those thoughts became more recurring at the end of his career. That after 35 it is not a given to be able to get pregnant, that the chances decrease the older you get. Without a best-before date, you are not a woman if you want to start a family, she says in the interview.

Kalla also gets questions about a possible name for the as-yet-unborn boy, but nothing has been decided there yet.
– We have a list that we share on the mobile. With some names a little higher up. But we haven’t spent much time on it yet, says the Swedish skiing hero and the only thing she can reveal is the last name.
– It will probably be… A double name.

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