Charlotte Kalla is now forced to explain herself after the strange pictures – which made everyone dream of a comeback

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Is Charlotte Kalla close to a comeback?
Strange pictures on Fi’s website now force her to explain.
– It is not relevant, she tells Expressen.

She is perhaps Sweden’s greatest cross-country skier of all time, with credentials that few winter athletes can match. There were therefore many sad faces when Charlotte Kalla announced last spring that her career is over. Since then, she has many times spoken warmly about how well she enjoys life as a retired skier.

Not keen on a comeback

It was also nice to see Charlotte Kalla at the Sports Gala last week, because you don’t always get to do that. The sports gala always takes place in the middle of the ski season, and worries about colds and illnesses have made her stay away. Kalla also got to go on stage and hand out the award for Male Athlete of the Year, before she herself was praised with a standing ovation, while a montage from her legendary career was broadcast.

221210 Charlotte Kalla during the skiing competition Kallastafetten on December 10, 2022 in Sundsvall. Photo: Nils Jakobsson / BILDBYRÅN / code NJ / NJ0062

In connection with interviews during the Sports Gala evening, Charlotte Kalla was clear about how well she enjoys her new life. While Therese Johaug has been open to returning to the skis in a few years, Kalla seems to be far from being in the same train of thought. That’s why some people are worried that on Fis, the international ski federation’s website. On Kalla’s profile it says that she is still active, but not allowed to compete.

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The explanation for the pictures

Charlotte Kalla knows exactly why it says that she is not allowed to compete, but why it still says that she is active does not know. In any case, it is clear that she kills all kinds of speculation.

– No, it is not relevant, she tells Expressen.

191026 Charlotte Kalla poses for a portrait during a press meeting with Sweden’s national ski team on October 26, 2019 in Val Senales. Photo: Mathias Bergeld / BILDBYRÅN / Cop 200

However, Charlotte Kalla tells the reason why she is not allowed to compete – and it has to do with avoiding doping controls.

– I have applied not to have to report to the doping hunters. It was the first thing I did after the three-mile in Piteå, which was my last race. Immediately the following morning, I sent in the email asking to stop the stay reporting.

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