Charlotte Called big surprise coup – first day at new job: “They knew nothing”

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Earlier this week, Charlotte Kalla’s new role in the national team was revealed.
On the first day, the icon added a prank.
– They knew nothing, she says.

A couple of months ago, Charlotte Kalla announced that she was ending her elite venture. She retires with an incomparable track record, and there is no doubt that the 34-year-old is one of Sweden’s foremost of all time.

New role in the national team

After the departure from the sport, there was speculation about what Charlotte Kalla would do in the future. It soon became clear that she, just like Nils van der Poel, will act as an ambassador for Skistar.

210503 Charlotte Kalla during a press conference with the Swedish Ski Association on 3 May 2021 in Åre. Photo: Johan Axelsson / BILDBYRÅN / COP 245 / JA0039

There has also been talk that she will return to the cross-country national team in a leadership role. On Monday, it was confirmed that the icon will assist junior coach Andreas Domeij starting already this summer.

But before her new role became official, Charlotte Kalla had already completed her first gathering with the juniors – who had no idea that the 34-year-old would be their new coach.

Surprised the juniors

– It has also been clear for quite some time, but to get the surprise moment for the active, it was fun not to tell. They knew nothing until we met in the parking lot in the morning, says Charlotte Kalla to NSD.

The national team kept it all a secret:

210411 Charlotte Kalla after the ladies’ 30 km freestyle during the Swedish Championships on 11 April 2021 in Kalix. Photo: Simon Eliasson / BILDBYRÅN / COP 159 / SE0040

– Maybe they had their ideas, because they knew that a person would come and give an inspirational lecture. But the national team management would have been good at keeping a poker face, she continues.

After the big surprise coup, they started immediately – and Charlotte Kalla is happy with her first day at her new job.

– It was really magical, it is a very delicious nature. We were running for three and a half hours and it is important to get energy during the session itself in order to be recovered until the next time you have an outlet.

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