Charlie Weimers on pro-Russian parties: Must find forms of cooperation

Tonight it was the Sweden Democrats’ top candidate’s turn to be questioned on SVT ahead of the upcoming EU elections.

Charlie Weimers has a background in the Moderates and the Christian Democrats, but later switched to SD and has sat in the European Parliament for the party for the past five years.

EU elections 2024

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  • The evening’s hearing began with the question of the place of anonymous accounts in political communication.

    – I think the moral limit for how a party can communicate is when you mix fact and fiction. If it is the case that anonymous accounts from the Sweden Democrats spread satirical and humorous clips, it is not a threat to democracy.

    There is support for Ukraine

    Charlie Weimers was then asked if he could imagine cooperating with pro-Russian parties in the EU Parliament.

    – Not about Russia and Ukraine. But if we don’t want the Social Democrats to have a decisive influence on migration policy, then we have to find forms of cooperation even with parties that we don’t agree with on questions about Russia

    Charlie Weimers also says that there is a compact majority to support Ukraine in the EU Parliament.

    – It is not affected at all if we agree on the right to, for example, the EU finance the construction of walls and physical border barriers.

    People exchange

    The hearing ended with questions about the debate article by SD leader Jimmie Åkesson that was published today in Expressen.

    There, Åkesson said that a “people exchange” is taking place in Sweden and Europe. A choice of words that has been criticized as the term is linked to an established far-right conspiracy theory.

    Charlie Weimers was asked why SD uses the term.

    – What we see is that entire areas are de-Swedish in Sweden, we have areas that are completely dominated by another culture. Then we mean that you must be able to use the right words for it.
