Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine special issue 10 years after the terrorist attack | News in brief

Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine special issue 10 years after the

On Tuesday, 10 years have passed since the terrorist attack by extremist Islamists in Paris on the editorial office of a French satirical magazine and on a Jewish grocery store.

12:28•Updated 12:28

The French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo published a special edition on Monday, with which it honors the victims of the terrorist attack on the magazine’s office 10 years ago and the freedom of speech.

The title of the special edition front page is Indestructible! i.e. Unbeatable! In the atheist magazine, four pages are devoted to the results of a caricature contest mocking God and religious leaders.

– The characteristic of satire is optimism, which has helped us through these tragic years, says the magazine’s main owner and cartoonist LaurentRissSourisseau.

He himself survived the attack on the magazine’s editorial office on January 7, 2015. In the attack on the magazine’s editorial office by extremist Islamists and the subsequent shooting in a Jewish grocery store, a total of 17 people died.

The police shot dead the brothers enraged by the caricatures mocking the prophet Muhammad and religion in the satirical magazine Said and by Cherif Kouach.

Later in the trial, thirteen people were convicted of aiding and abetting a terrorist act.

AFP, Reuters
