Charlie had to wait a year and a half for his baptism

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When the bells ring, the Suikkonen Borggren family is ready outside the church in Eslöv. They have been given a castle time when the son is to be baptized. Half an hour later it’s the next child’s turn and then it rolls on during the national day with weddings and christenings.

– We have been looking forward to this. It’s a wonderful day. We celebrate love, says Jenny Delén, priest in Eslöv’s parish.

The pandemic has led to an increase in the number of married women and parents with young children to be baptized.

– We have a long queue. Every weekend, three to six couples get married as it is full until October, says Jenny Delén.

Water combed by the priest

When Charlie and his family come out of the church after thirty minutes, the next family with a child in their arms is already waiting their turn. Charlie’s relatives and friends gather in a party tent outside the church where snacks and refreshments are offered.

– This was different. The other children have been baptized when they were three months old, but you could not have the same christening dress, says Maria Suikkonen Borggren, and looks at her son who for the day is wearing a checkered shirt, green trousers and tough sneakers.

He is also water-combed. The priest has fixed it.
