Charles III: the focus of the king on the acerbic declarations of prince Harry

Charles III the focus of the king on the acerbic

Faced with the words of his son Harry, King Charles III made it known that he was always ready to reconcile with the Duke of Sussex, who had gone to live in the United States.

New episode in the tensions within the British royal family? While the descendants of Elizabeth II had to gather on the occasion of the death of the monarch in early September, the dissensions between Harry and his brother William as well as his father King Charles III continued. The first and his companion, Meghan Markle, have cut their ties with the monarchy, gone into exile in the United States. An episode that deeply marked the royal family, as the heartbreak took place with loss and turmoil. Between the two brothers, the atmosphere is electric. Relations seem equally cold between Harry and Charles.

“Communication channels open despite attacks”

In the Netflix series “Harry & Meghan” which traces their journey, the Duke of Sussex recounted a particularly tense family reunion when their plans to move across the Atlantic were about to materialize: “It was terrifying to see my brother yelling at it, my dad saying things that just weren’t true, and my grandma sitting quietly and absorbing it all.” Since then, it is an understatement to say that a polar cold reigns. And two versions oppose each other. When Harry says in an interview – broadcast on Sunday January 8, 2023 on the British channel ITV – that his family has “shown absolutely no desire to reconcile”, the king has a completely different version.

According to people close to Buckingham Palace quoted by the Telegraph, “he has always made it clear how much he loves his two sons and that he has kept the channels of communication open in recent years, despite numerous attacks from California (region residence of Harry and Meghan, editor’s note).” The British newspaper claims that the monarch has “reiterated that his door remains open and that the duke and his wife, Meghan Markle, are welcome at all times.” Charles III could even take the lead by inviting his youngest son and his companion to his coronation on May 6. Will the couple go there? “I had to make peace with the fact that we will probably never have real accountability or a real apology,” he said during his interview.
