Charles “Challe” Berglund about when he replaced Björn Hellkvist

Hockey icon Charles Berglund came to Leksand as an assistant coach in May 2023 – but when Björn Hellkvist was forced to take a break due to illness, it was “Challe” who got the main responsibility… or was it really so?
Now he tells the truth to Sportbibeln about the very special situation in Dalarna.

– That is a misconception that unfortunately spread, he says.

He was the team captain of the Three Kronor team that won its first ever Olympic gold in Lillehammer in 1994, he has won WC gold, five SM gold with Djurgården and was named “Big Guy”. Charles “Challe” Berglund, 59is a true hockey legend in Sweden. After his playing career, he has, among other things, coached Djurgården, Timrå, Modo and was an assistant in HV71. Nowadays he can be found in Leksand.

Steady uphill straight away

After five SHL rounds played, Leksand has only managed to win one match and they are second last in the table, only HV71 has been worse. There have been losses against Frölunda, Luleå, Modo and Timrå. It has undeniably been a tough start to the season for the valley men.

– We had that last year as well. After twelve games we had four wins and eight losses. But the game schedule this year is tougher than last year. We have had three away games in the opening five and away the next against Skellefteå. So four out of six gone. It’s tough, says “Challe” to Sportbibeln.

The team has already had to accept that they have a real uphill climb to climb. Djurgårds icon Berglund thinks it’s a little early to complain about crisis and chaos, but admits that they had to think a little about training. They have had to change a few things.

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– It’s far from panic, but we’ve had a little to do game-wise. That’s why we don’t have as many points as we should have. That’s the kind of thing you have to work with on a daily basis in this job.

Something you’ve known for a while or did it come as a slap in the face when the league started?

– I don’t know. Perhaps we became a little naive ourselves. We have had good continuity in the team, only three new outfield players really. So then maybe we thought it looked good and we knew what to do. So maybe we got a little smug and thought it looked good. Now we get to see for ourselves.

Björn Hellkvist has Parkinson’s

In May 2023, he was entrusted to help Björn Hellkvist47, in the booth. He joined at the same time as another “Challe”, viz Mikael “Challe” Karlberg. The 59-year-old has told in previous interviews that he got a new spark from helping HV71 in the 2022/2023 season, so he quickly agreed when he was asked to come to the classic club.

Even when “Challe” joined, Hellkvist was sometimes absent due to his illness. It is absolutely no secret that the former hockey player suffered from Parkinson’s disease for about 14 years. Suddenly, after just over three years in Leksand, he was forced to take sick leave when the situation suddenly got worse. Then experienced “Challe” Berglund quickly got the main responsibility – or so it sounded in the media that spring.

– That is a misconception that was unfortunately spread by the Falu-Kuriren. I didn’t take over the team, but we continued – me and Mikael “Challe” Karlberg – took over together. Then came David Printz came in after a week or so and took care of the slopes, which I should have taken care of before then. Then I took over the forwards. We ran shared leadership all last season and have continued with it this season as well, says “Challe” and goes on to explain what actually happened:

– The Falu Courier had asked Thomas “Tjomme” Johansson (general manager) how it would be in the booth. “Printz takes the backs, Karlberg forwards and Berglund starts in the middle and helps with instructions”. Then they interpreted it as if I was the head coach, just because I was in the middle. That’s how it can be. Many head coaches stand in the middle.

“You suffer with the human being”

Berglund knew early on that Björn Hellkvist was ill. Already more than a decade ago, they met in Viasat’s hockey studio after a final round when Hellkvist coached Rögle. “Challe” then saw how he struggled to keep his hand still.

– I worked for Viasat in 2011/2012, when they had the hockey Allsvenskan. That’s when it happened with Björn. I remember that I and Niklas Jihde had him in the studio and I know what he looked like then, how his hand shook. You just felt: “Poor man”. Then he really recovered, one might say with the help of the medical profession, he says.

When he received the message that Hellkvist could not stay, but that he, Karlberg and Printz would take over the team, he of course initially felt sorry for his former colleague. At the same time, he knew that “the show must go on”.

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– You suffer with a person to have such a disease, without a doubt. At the same time, you have a job to take care of, to make sure things are going well there. Then it happened as it happened there then.

“Challe’s” words to Hellkvist

Today, Björn Hellkvist coaches the Umeå team Björklöven, which resides in the hockey Allsvenskan. They are still in good contact and hear each other from time to time. In fact, “Challe” sent Hellkvist a small greeting as recently as a couple of days ago.

– I actually called Björn last week. I sat and watched the match when they played against Almtuna. Björklöven-Almtuna. Then he had a haircut and had short hair. Then I said: “Damn it, Björn. I’m not that way, but damn you’re pretty. You look lively and fresh now that you have short hair,” says Charles Berglund and continues:

– He said that many people had said that. “Be sure to keep it up,” I said. It is also important for self-esteem to look energetic and fresh, I think. As cursed as he is, he still has the disease, unfortunately.

Great to hear that Björn Hellkvist is feeling better today and that he can continue with what he loves most – coaching hockey teams. Strong work!

How do you think “Challe” Berglund and his Leksand are doing this year? Feel free to write a comment on Sportbibeln’s Facebook.

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