Charged after Easter riot in Norrköping

Charged after Easter riot in Norrkoping

Published: Just now

full screen People make a barricade with burning car tires and other objects during the riots in Navestad in Norrköping on Easter Sunday. Archive image. Photo: Stefan Jerrevång/TT

A man in his 30s is charged with gross sabotage against blue light operations and gross violence against an official in connection with the Easter coup run in Norrköping.

He was arrested in connection with the events and has been able to be identified on video footage, the police write on their website.

According to District Attorney Thomas Ramstedt, the state of evidence is good, among other things as there are videos that clearly show the man acting actively by, for example, throwing stones.

The indictment is the first related to the riots in Norrköping during the Easter weekend.
