Chaotic scenes after the Stockholm derby

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AIK received Hammarby at Friends Arena on Sunday. The match ended 2-2, but after the match scandalous scenes unfolded in the stands. In the television images from Discovery’s broadcast, people from both teams were seen breaking through the barriers, after which fights broke out in the stands. Discovery’s reporter also testified that the groups allegedly threw flares at each other. This is written by Fotbollskanalen. The soccer channel’s dispatcher testifies to a violent fight on two floors between fans of both teams. – Very sad for Swedish football, I think. It is completely unacceptable and we will of course, together with the police, investigate what has happened in the security arrangement. Whether it was unfortunate circumstances or something that went wrong is too early to say, we have to investigate, says AIK’s CEO Manuel Lindberg to Fotbollskanalen. What do you know about what has happened? – Right now I don’t know anything. I’ll see what the match report says and what the investigation together with the police say. It is sad for Swedish football and completely unacceptable. We will act on this together with the police.
