Changing the rear wheel of your bike has never been so easy!

Changing the rear wheel of your bike has never been

Fasten is an ingenious system for mounting and removing the rear wheel from a bike, practical and above all very fast, which does not require touching the chain. It is the work of a Frenchman, Jean-Paul Lagar, awarded a prize for this at Eurobike 2021.

This truly revolutionary method of attachment allows you to change your rear wheel in just a few seconds, without the need for any tools. In fact, Fasten’s principle is the same as at the front since here the bearings are no longer in the wheels, but directly in the frame and the fork. Suddenly, the very notion of front or rear wheel disappears since in both cases their attachment is here identical.

Between the transmission chain that must be replaced and the braking system that must not be damaged, changing the rear wheel of a bike Usually requires some precautions. Here this is no longer the case. Fasten also secures the axes since they remain on the bike and that there is therefore no longer any (greased) element to dismantle, with the risk of damaging or dirtying them. Its designer Jean-Paul Lagar is hopeful that a first model will adopt this system in 2022. In any case, he is in talks with several manufacturers.

